Browser-width video

Hi ,
we need the option to add a full browser-width video - and not as a part of the page background but in an extra box. Putting video in a full-page-width-box it is.

Thank you.

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Yeah, thanks for the suggestion.

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Im just trying to do this now, would be a great feature!

@andymaltby OK, I’m not a video expert so forgive me if this does not do what you want.

  1. Add a Sparkle embed object.
  2. Go to the Arrange tab and check full page width

  1. Then place suitable HTML code in the embed object (I’ve used the sample video from W3Schools, which is really too low a resolution!)

Note the width=“100%” has set the height to match the aspect ratio of the video.

The result on Sparkle preview is:

You may need to tweak the HTML (for instance you can change controls to autoplay loop) and make sure your video is sized appropriately but I hope this will be a start for you.

Hi - thanks for this. I did try this method but i have strange behaviour with a video on vimeo when stretching the browser! The closest solution so far has been to use page background and set to video. Although again, its hard to control the behaviour of the video when browser windows are stretched etc.