Contact form email with Dreamhost

Searched for Dreamhost but no hits. Has anyone set up a contact for and (hopefully) using Dreamhost. Set the submit button up 3 times and none of the three sent a test email to me after updating the Publish/Upload. With all using “Email form via Server”. The first used “email via web server” where the other two “Use Custom SMTP server” filling in the server/port/user name and password. The middle attempt remembered forgot to remove the example@ fake email, and the third one made a fake email based on the domain.
None worked. Looked at “advanced Form Submission” but the fields don’t look like they would apply.
Any suggestions?
Incidently, just uploaded my first sit with Sparkle.

Hi @Tizeye, looks like you missed to set the thank you page as PHP (there’s a button just below the selection of the thank you page).

Thanks, that did it. Now receiving the test contact message back.

Initially used a YouTube video to learn how to create the form. Went back and say that was not covered due to a shortcut that wasn’t explained. They created a “Thank You” page, but from the start made it php rather than html, and wasn’t a subject of the video. When they were linking it, there wasn’t the button to convert the page so that wasn’t discussed. He navigated to the actual page for illustration, and that is where saw was initially set up as php.