Contact form reply email address

Hello Duncan which form field should you set as reply-to ?
I don’t understand what you meen


You can find it in the documentation.

Mr. F.

contact forms so that when they are emailed through they show from the persons email address?

No that’s not possible, it would violate many anti-spam measures, causing the emails to be dropped or lost. Sparkle sets a “Reply-To” header, which is equivalent when replying to contact form emails.

That’s set in the form button settings, like this:


This is active once you have at least a text input in the page.

Thank you for the info

I am not able to use the reply address feature, it is fade out and I can’t choose from the text inputs that I have.

Help please.

Hi @Theilluminance, not enough information sorry. Perhaps share a screenshot of the form and the submission button settings?

Hi @duncan I have attached the screenshoot of the form and the submission button settings.

Thank you.

Thanks, very odd. Could you email us the project file?


i have tested it on a new project and have the same problem that the Replay address field is not active.


Yes. Same test and same result. The reply field is not active.
A form build with sparkle 3.x and opened in sparkle 4 does not show this error.

Mr. F.

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Same here. Seems to only occur in 4.

Ah yes sorry about that. Fixing…

Thank you for the update 4.0.2, not sure if that matters but that is still not working with then new update.

Thank you for the update, but the Reply Address still not working.
In addition, when trying to add a new submission button, the Reply address is not showing at all in addition to “form elements collected” is giving that it will collect every thing!! (screenshot attached)


This is also the case with 4.0.1. (2nd send button)
Perhaps Sparkle should recognize that a Send button already exists and prevent a second one from being added.

But I imagine this is a bit difficult.

Mr. F.

Sorry this bug was fixed after 4.0.1 was already in the queue for release. Fixed for 4.0.2 (which will be released similarly shortly when we’re done with a few more fixes).

My last reply is after I updated to 4.0.2 and the issue still there, unless if you mean 4.0.3?

Thank you.

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The same the issue is still here with Versin 4.0.2. that came this morning (Australia time)

Sorry yes I meant 4.0.3.

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