website essay vol.1

I’m doing website trials for my creatr project.
I’m having a lot of fun with Sparkle and a little code. :slight_smile:


Nice. But on two browsers (Firefox and Vivaldi) the 3rd picture is not behaving like the others, it blends OVER the creatr. text. Was that intentional?

Thanks, yes intentional… I am trying something… :slight_smile:

hey, looks good!

how did you make the content get over the side margins? like the logo on the far top left

I added a little css code with the embed element…

Looks quite nice! Any chance to share this css code?

Of course,

                    #bottomleft {
                        position: fixed;
                        left: 20px;
                        bottom: 0px;

                    #topright {
                        position: fixed;
                        top: 20px;
                        right: 20px;

                    #topleft {
                        position: fixed;
                        top: 10px;
                        left: 20px;

                    #bottomright {
                        position: fixed;
                        right: 20px;
                        bottom: 0px;

¿how can I use the code?

create a embed widget to insert the code, but before that, you’ll need to give an ID to the element you’re applying the effects.

You can check on how to do this reading this: Full height on websites - #10 by primo

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