Documentation updates

We’ve been improving some pages in our documentation:

please let me know if you find the new tutorials interesting/useful, and if you have suggestions to expand other parts of the documentation. And if you find any typo I can fix it right away.



Very, very helpful Duncan. Thanks for this.

Is this available as a PDF?

Not currently. We do plan to make a PDF.

Muchisimas gracias @duncan!!!
Super necesario y útil.

Just wondering why make a pdf when the browser can do that? And why isn’t the documentation versioned for the iPhone since Sparkle is so good at that?

Hi @Sparkletter, the PDF version is intended to be printed and is formatted more like a book, even though the content ends up being essentially the same.

We are in the process of making the mobile layout for the documentation as well. It’s a website project we have since Sparkle 1 and have been progressively improving it, we’ll get around to that as well.

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I downloaded crossfading-header.sparkle example and in Safari preview it looks like that:

Is this what is expected?


Oh apologies for that. Looks like it needs 3.1.2, which we intended to have released by now. It’s coming in the next few days.

Very helpful. Thanks.