Flexible Image Grid Layout for Art Thumbnails

I am in the process of creating my own idea of a gallery for my art.

I want to have a page of thumbnails at say 140 px square. I start with a column grid of 6 by 10 images. If I stretch the window wider or make the window narrower, I would love for the images to stay at 140 px square and the amount of images across the page gets higher or lower. Kinda like text wrapping in a paragraph but with images. If the page is stretched wider you may be able to see 8 or 9 140 px square images across, you make the webpage narrow on screen and then you see 4 images across and 15 image down.

Is this possible?

When someone clicks on the image it will take them to a separate page with the image larger, the title, medium, size, price and purchase button. I have also set up next, previous and back to gallery buttons. The next will link to a full page of the next image in the row from the gallery page. This means I will be creating 60 separate pages for the 60 thumbnails. A daunting task, but I really would like to be able to add all the info needed for each individual piece of art and a purchase button. I’m also hoping the number ends up over 100, at the moment I have 3 pages of done.

I love Sparkle, I have been using it for a number of years now. I am happy I switched to Sparkle. I am an old school designer and I do not want to learn to code. I am trying to transition from full time designer & part time artist to a full time artist and maybe part time designer or just designer for myself.

@TheRita, Sounds like a really big project…

Because Sparkle is a fixed width design tool with fixed elements you won’t get them rearranging themselves like what you are suggesting. Your thumbnails will keep their size but how they arrange is up to you when you set up the devices - breakpoints 1200, 960, 768, 480, and 320.

Have you thought of using a shopping cart like Ecwid which embeds into Sparkle allowing you to control images / content / commerce from the Ecwid platform and updates your Sparkle website automatically.

Thank you @FlaminFig I will give the breakpoint layouts a try!

I will also look into Ecwid, I’m not sure what it is and how it works.

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@TheRita, When it comes to devices I only work with the 1200 (covers wide desktop, laptop, and large tablet landscape), 768 (covers portrait tablet), and 320 (covers portrait and landscape mobile).

You’ll find that you can lay down Ecwid on the Sparkle side of things by opening your “+” panel / monetisation / payments.

You can see the Ecwid shopping cart in action embedded into a Sparkle website here - https://www.shopfronttrevallyn.com/our-online-shop.html