Frustrated noob!

I would find a video very useful as well. I’m not a developer. I don’t know HTML. I’m modernizing a still existing personal web site that I originally built many years ago using WYSIWYG “Shutterbug” software.

I love Sparkle. I have already built back a 960 site with over 100 pages. But I am not looking forward to starting on the 320 site. I think that I understand most of the principles involved(I understand the words), from reading the previous postings. But I do not feel confident about going back and forth from 960 to 320, changing things, hiding this, hiding that, making mistakes and then not being able to easily get back to a previous state.

I’d really like to see someone do it, with many examples, and explain what they are doing with each step, and why. And also - describing things that you can’t do, along with things that you can do, and showing potential mistakes that can be made, etc. Very basic and simple would be good.


Still using Muse because for me still sparkle lacks of big screens and many other elements to hide (accordions, tabbed panels), Muse used adaptive designs first - that#s correct so far but then changed to the “breakpoints” setup. Here comes the fun fact: there were/are fixed width breakpoints and fluid width breakpoints, responsive were both of them - just to make it clear and to jump by as a “Muser”. The adaptive approach, to my information is kind of getting punished by search engines, isn’t it? To start with 320? Why Apple has created 27" screens? Although mobile is important, big screens are as well. And to be limited to 1280 with sparkle, except the hero images or full width elements is also still strange to me.


Hey @UweRausB, Welcome onboard… The more the merrier! :)…

Also an X-Muser who had lots of fun using its canvas to create websites. Firstly adaptive breakpoints and then we went to responsive breakpoints, and as you make out is also not very clearly defined in the world wide web even today!

I know that google (and the like) favours responsive breakpoints that use media queries (CSS) to reflow the totally downloaded website per viewing device, but I haven’t heard that they “punish” fixed-width breakpoints sites? In fact the big corporate players use fixed-width breakpoints sites (aka adaptive) so to improve their marketing reach per device-user.

Google also says that they will punish websites built still in tables but that isn’t the case either!!!

I do agree we need a bit more TLC when it comes to the bigger screen and the ability to pin to browser’s edge, etc… Good rumour has it that the new Imac Pro’s will be 30" plus but that won’t change the fact that their are more mobile devices using the WWW then what there is desktops as of 2-3 years ago so for now mobile is king.

Anyways this is a big unresolved topic that we can talk about for hours, but I think the most important thing is that we are able to serve up our clients a sound stable website architect which Sparkle does really well! :)…

Hi @UweRausB,

you can test a site with or Google Pagespeed Insights, both use “lighthouse” testing under the hood.

What’s mainly punished these days is poor scores on “web vitals”. The Google search console also warns about a mobile site that has small text or small links (tap targets).

Google does punish a site that has a separate URL for a mobile site (and uses server side detection + redirection based on where you come from), but Sparkle sites are not built like that, they’re fully responsive with an adaptive layout switcher (instead of the fluid layout switcher you are conflating with responsive).

We are painfully aware of the limitations, trust me. But I won’t speak about Sparkle’s future because I think anybody using Sparkle should choose it based on its current abilities (or in other words we are not Microsoft and we don’t want to end up like Osborne).

By the way Sparkle popups can be used to implement something essentially like tabbed panels. We need better tutorials on this.

This is still our stance on accordions: