Global elements or instances

Hey, it would be really helpful to have “global elements” or “instances” and presets for any object (text, button etc). If you change one instance, changes will affect any instance on the website.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thanks @andredupke. How would they be different from the current feature of showing an element in multiple pages?

Saved instances could appear in the left side (next to layers) after saving (right mouse click on the element), and could be inserted by drag drop them to the page…

How would they be different from the current feature of showing an element in multiple pages?

Workflow… Just drag your styled buttons, phone numbers etc to the page from the list on the left side…

Instances would be enough, but then having the option to make them individual, once added to the page… (right mouse click)

I create a page, which is not published, that has my “go to” styled objects (text styles, buttons, images, etc.) for a project. It’s then simple to cut and paste them. If it is styled differently on different devices the cut and paste copies the styles correctly for each device, too.