Hamburger menu broken after uploading to web

I would love to use the Hamburger Menu. And I did in a few designs.

It looked to be functioning in Sparkle itself and in the preview mode on any browser and smartphone. But after actually uploading it to my server it collapses - doesn’t funtion at all.

Does anyone experience the same or does anyone have a clue how to fix this?

Hello and welcome :blush:

What have you done and what specifically is not working? Providing more details would help us assist you better.

Thanks for the welcome! :blush:
It may come across as a bit ungrateful for a newbie to immediately complain about errors so sorry about that. In the mean time I changed the type of navigation (just buttons) in the design. But I rather use the Hamburger Menu.

I’ll try to replicate the problem and document it next time. I forgot to do that.

Don’t be sorry, that’s what the community is for :blush: Don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.