Hiding A Website from Google & others

I want to set up an info site for select clients but do not want Google and other search engines to find it. Is it possible in Sparkle to do this or do I need to ask my web host company to arrange this?

Hi @CliffSmith and welcome onboard! :slight_smile:

Yes you can have it so that search engines won’t find your page (if they honour it) by selecting the third tab “Page” on the top right-hand side of your Sparkle canvas. Once the tab is selected you’ll see towards the bottom that you can ask Sparkle to “Exclude from site search”.

Hi @CliffSmith,

the way to do this is to enable the search engine metadata (site settings), and set the default to not make the site indexed or archived. This can later be overridden in individual pages, either way you go.

The effect of this setting is to produce a robots.txt file, and some in-page metadata.

Note that this is advisory, and a badly behaved search engine can ignore robots.txt or metadata. There’s no actual way to make content public but also completely invisible to someone who wants to collect and index it.

Site search exclusion is for the built-in site search @FlaminFig :wink:

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Oh whoops, what was I thinking - my bad, sorry! :frowning:
Totally concur with what @duncan said!

Much obliged guys! Thanks for the swift response.

I may be wrong, but if you protect a site (a directory) with a password, wouldn’t that also prevent Google (and search engines) from indexing it?

Yes it would. I didn’t think @CliffSmith wanted password protection though. But yeah that would be an unbreakable solution.

I am a total web design noob… can you set up a password access with Sparkle?

It’s not currently possible. But you can set a password on a folder on most web hosts.

Hello @CliffSmith

It has been discussed here as well:

But I don’t know if that is helpful.

As @duncan mentioned, you can set a password on a folder with most web hosts. Maybe your web host can help you or they have some instructions in their “help section”?