How to make gradient text with a drop shadow

I’ve been playing around with trying to create gradient text. I wanted a top-to-bottom gradient with white at the top and a gold-ish color at the bottom. Elsewhere on this site I found the code that makes that work:

h2 {
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #bb8426);
background: linear-gradient(#ffffff, #bb8426);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

When I embedded that code and set my text to “h2” here was the result:

Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 12.14.23 PM

Not bad, but I wanted a drop shadow. The problem is, if I try to add one, something in the code conflicts and the result is not good:

Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 12.14.30 PM

So, I duplicated the text, did NOT set it to “h2” and gave it a drop shadow. I set the text color to transparent, so I’d only have the shadow:

Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 12.15.06 PM

Then I just moved the one text on top of the other, and I ended up with a nice gradient text with a shadow:

Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 12.14.45 PM

Hello :wave:t2:

The gradient and text shadow functions are already available in Sparkle without the need to add any code.

You can find the shadow option to the right of the bold/italic/underline buttons after selecting your text box.
For the gradient, you’ll need to check the “Effect” box, which is available starting from Sparkle 5 (but only if you have a relatively recent version of macOS, as far as I know).

Very cool, I did not know that!

How did you do that? When I set a shadow and a gradient it looks like this:

Worse, in live preview it looks like this:

I have Sparkle 5.5.4 and Mac OS Sonoma.

I also encountered this issue on my end. It seems that having both the shadow and gradient effects enabled together causes this. I will report the issue to Duncan.

In the meantime, until the issue is fixed, you can overlay two text layers: one with the shadow in the back and the other with the gradient in the front. That’s what I did for the example I showed you.

Ah, yeah, that’s what I did in my initial post (except that I used code to make the gradient. Thanks for pointing out that gradients are built-in. I didn’t know that).

I hope they fix this issue. Not that it’s super difficult to overlay two text layers, but it would be nice not to have to.

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