I am a complete noob, I cannot figure out why this looks ok in my phone settings in sparkle and then it is off on my phone

I am such a noob I don’t really understand website terminology so I will do my best to explain.

I am going back and redoing my site so on all devices it looks good. I am almost there but this one section on my front page won’t stay line up. I tried searching for my problem on the forums. I did turn off the optimization on my website hosting.
I still have this problem. Please see attach pics. The first one is the view in my sparkle app for the phone settings and then the other is what I see on my phone. You will see the one section on my phone that gets all out of whack

Hi @hannahshousemedia, at a quick look I think you might have a project started a while ago (or based on an old template) where the “hide excess text” option in the misc site settings is not turned on. Could that be?

Yes, this has been an old project that I keep putting aside just since I am bad at this.

THAT WAS IT!!! Thank you!