Ideas for the future (I hope soon)

Just no! I bought the pro version and part of that is, that I want to have full control over that content. That means, I need active content. I am inclined asking for a refund. This response is not what I’d expect for seasoned developers. Thanks

That’s not the point. I am OK for Sparkle to create the main design as long as I can customize the deployment / add custom scripts. However, the monolithic nature of the Sparkle.sparkle does not allow for external plugins. It is ultimately the customer (me) who controls the content. And while Sparkle is great for pure static content, this is not how the web is typically developed for. Unless you want to keep this a hobby.

@juergen0815, Wow man a bit harsh! I get where you are coming from but modern sites out there are nowadays a profusion of javascript, nearly all cumbersomely integrated and open to hacking (looking at you WordPress) not to mention how it slows things down and messes up the mobile experience!

I have inlined javascript into Sparkle a many of times without issues towards the bottom of the page so it isn’t like you cannot use javascript in a Sparkle file, just not in the <head>


Oh yes, that would be great to have a ruler!

I believe that rulers are coming in the next update of Sparkle. After the introduction of Big Sur.

I’d like to weigh in. The design function of Sparkle is exactly what attracted me to it. I work on Mac and PC platforms, and if you design there’s no way in the world I want to code. Been there and done it.
@duncan in the future may want to increase features that are favourites of designers. Layers, larger color palettes, cropping, rulers, different page sizes.
I’d think if Sparkle wants to follow the design route there may be some rudimentary drawing features, or a Affinity plug in. There’s already one for Sketch.
Also there’s the issue of handing a site over to a client after a redesign. Sparkle is economical and easy to use for many clients.
Sparkles attraction is a no code environment. I’m enjoying my investment.

My progression of non-coding web design apps:
Adobe PageMill, Adobe SiteMill, GoLive Cyber Studio, Adobe Cyberstudio, and finally landed on Sparkle. Do not like Adobe Dreamweaver.