A couple of times I’ve tried to add a new style, only to find that I already have a style by that name. Then I’m stuck. It won’t let me abort so I end up creating a useless style called “x” or “y”. I’d love to be able to delete those unneeded styles. Is there a way to do that? Thanks.
There is! Select your text box. In the inspector panel on the right and at the top, there is a black area with the word ‘Body’ in it. Click on the disclosure triangle to the right and all your styles will appear. If you hover over them slowly, a delete and select button appears. Choose what you want to do. To add a new style, click the + sign at the top of the list. Hope this helps.
Thanks. I tried doing as you suggested, but I’ve found that hovering yields erratic results. Sometimes a delete and edit button appears. Sometimes just an edit button. Sometimes no button at all.
To add…
If you are using a Style on the canvas then you will not be able to delete it from the Style Panel. In other words as you hover over the style you will not see a “x” appear telling you that you can delete the style.
You will need to go through all your text box containers and tidy things up…
Does this mean that once a style is added globally it can’t be removed globally?
Yes it can be removed @spycoops, but you have to make sure the text style is not being used on the canvas to remove it from the Font Style panel.
In other words once a style is implemented, it cannot be deleted at a stroke. I came across this once and gave up because I have a 200+ page web site and the styled text I wanted to eliminate was probably still hiding in some in covered up text box in a device layout somewhere. But is it possible to convert or merge that font back to another style?
Yes for sure you can do that. You just need to find the text that you want restyled. Once you have click on the its Text Box container and then go to your Font Style panel, drop open the Font Style panel revealing your created styles, and select an existing style.
Sorry I wasn’t clear: I didn’t mean is it possible to convert or merge that font back to another style; I meant (if it’s not possible to delete a style without finding every iteration) is it possible to convert or merge that entire style back to another style?
You are not able to merge a style in the Font Style panel, but yes you can find the text, click the text container and then go across to the Font Style panel… You will see the style used.
You then just alter the font style, the font size, etc…
And when done you will see the Font Style panel react like in this screenshot…
You then hit “Apply Changes” and that will convert that particular text now with its newly applied font style across your entire website.
The long way about it is finding every Text Box container and changing the style to what you want.
Thanks for taking the time—much appreciated. I think what I’m getting at is that even after changing the style globally as you describe—it does not seem possible to delete the style NAME from the list.
And if the reason for this is that the style is in use, how do I change text styled with that name to another style globally?
What I’m trying to do is consolidate my styles and get rid of unwanted names from the list.
I understand your problem. These functions are very common in DTP software, such as InDesign or Affinity Publisher. They really make your work easier.
Sparkle really needs to improve here.
Mr. F: