Is there some way to lock the position of a layout block?

On every page I have my text on a layout block that extends from 161 px (so it’ll be visible below the header) all the way to the bottom of the page. But I find that the layout blocks on many of my pages move spontaneously.

Everything will be aligned perfectly, and then I’ll come back a day later and the top of the layout block on dozens of pages will have moved down to 230 px. It’s always the same number, 230 px, and it happens to dozens of pages on a daily basis. It’s very frustrating. I have to go manually adjust all those pages, only to have the same thing happen again and again!

EDIT: It gets weirder. Suspecting a glitch I shut down Sparkle and relaunched it. All the layout blocks were back where they were supposed to be, but the bottom of the page has moved down, creating too much white space at the bottom of the page. Every page on the site. I have to go through and move the bottom back up where it belongs.

Here’s something weird: the pages still show up correctly in the Sparkle preview. The layout blocks look like they’re where they’re supposed to be, but on the canvas they’re clearly not.

Layout blocks can sometimes move position if content is added or removed on another device variant. It can also happens if you create layout blocks on one device variant, then create another layout block on another device variant. The best way to avoid these type of issues is to prepare the desktop version of the site, with all the layout blocks, in its entirety (all pages) before switching to another device layout. Not only does this make life easier when it comes to reorganising/resizing content on other device layouts, it also helps prevent the issue you’re experiencing.

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It’s best if you send us a test project and a screen recording video showing the issues you are seeing, so that we have a chance to understand and solve the problem.