Just a quick Thank You

I just wanted to send out a quick thank you for such a great program. I came from Adobe products and Sparkle has made my life, my business and my clients much more productive. Once we build the initial site it only takes about 1 hour of on-line instructions to take over the controls and we are always just a quick phone call away. Even my other clients have helped when we were busy working on their project.

We started adding free hosting to every client that purchases Sparkle and that has been a huge plus in our mid level clientele. We look forward to every new release and appreciate the support you have given us.

1 suggestion. You should send out a small bag of candy like Sweetwater Music does when you buy something from them. No Bit-o-Honey though. I get choked on those and since Im fat I will try to eat them anyway.


Bob Sandifer


@bobsandifer, Really happy for you how Sparkle has improved your bottom line! Like yourself I love it and it has simplified web design for me big time! :slight_smile: