Layer order significance?

General question…

Does the order of Layers as shown in the left pane have any significance?

I noticed the order is changed as I make edits to a page - even after I go through an anal moment and order them manually.


Yes, the order of the layers plays a big role. It is the order in which elements are stacked, so to speak. From top = top position, to bottom then accordingly.

This means that a header must always take the top position, so that it is not overlapped by other elements when scrolling.

And within a group the same applies. What is at the top, also appears at the top. A background is therefore usually placed in the lowest position.

Mr. F.

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Good to know.

So why do I see the order get changed as I am making edits to a page’s design?

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Well, i’m not the developer. But i think new elements are placed above other elements, except the header.
When you play around with layout blocks, you will see other surprises.

Mr. F.

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