My Top 5 Sparkle Requests

Hey I thought why not hear everyones thoughts on their top 5 Sparkle requests. I should had it is out of my interest, but will probably also fill up Duncan & Daniele’s already very large list.

So my top 5…

  • Since Pinterest is getting very popular it would be great to also have a Pinterest Widget
  • An element scrubber so I can move large number of elements down the page, especially on mobile
  • Pin element(s) to browsers edge
  • be able to hover style inline text links
  • Connect Google Icons

I have so much more but I said 5 so lets hear all you Sparkler(s) top 5 Sparkle requests! :slight_smile:


Thanks. What’s Google Icons?

Yea, alright

  • Material Icons as you’ve already said would be amazing already inside, but plus all other social medias icons as well (LinkedIn, Patreon, Discord, etc etc, those that are more used). A curated selection so it can speed up our process. Maybe an Icon widget?

  • Access to the edges would be amazing, not only to pin stuff but to place stuff there as well, ignoring the letterbox format (while still maintaining the device width, of course). I love those all width navbars

  • Hover effects on everything that’s possible besides buttons

  • Maybe integration with a Newsletter platform? Many dont know about the embedd option so it could be an interesting addition.


@duncan, it is this -

Maybe the SF Symbols from Apple are also an option (or alternative).


@FlaminFig, I ended up using some code from Pinterest and embedding it into my blog posts so now if you hover over a picture, the little “P” comes up. It’s worked a treat so far.

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For icons i can recommend “Icons8 Lite”. It’s in the App Store and it is free.
You can drag and drop the icons to the sparkle canvas.

Mr. F.


My Top 5…

  • Forwards and backwards arrows on each blog post to assist with navigation
  • More templates including the new blog feature would be great (helps with learning if anything)
  • Tagging (though I understand this may not be technically possible)
  • Sorry to be an old fogey, but would love to have tables. Especially if each cell you could embed code (I have an Amazon bookshop and lining this up properly has become a bit of a nightmare)
  • Be able to adjust photos in boxes by moving it around with the cursor so it focuses exactly on what I want it to. Ability to zoom in/out would also be great.

As you all know, I’m not a pro designer but I can occupy my little space on the internet thanks to Sparkle. I love it!

Thank you @FlaminFig for the great thread!


My top 2…

  • as soon as I lower the view, let’s say to 25%, and switch to a different device size, it should stay with 25%
  • using a round photo, I’d love to get text around this circle

Adding dropdown and number fields to the “Navigation ‍and ‍Forms” ‍section would be really nice. Styling options for checkboxes and radio buttons (color and size) and the ability to customize buy buttons like normal buttons would also be nice.


Option to open Sparkle with most recently used site instead of a new one.

  1. Pasteboard runoff. One can move objects from the pasteboard to the web page.
  2. Zoom settings lock on smaller web pages. 320 px is zoomed, but will not lock to the zoom size upon leaving and returning.
  3. Ability to pick web page size, rather than locked to 1200 or 320 px.
  4. Using Apples color picker rather than sparkles.
  5. Ability to change text box text from one variant to the other, so one could have more text in a 1200 variant, but less in a 320. Preserve styles, but let us use more or less text.
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I wish Duncan would look into making an array type data base which would directly work with Sparkle. It would be magic. Simon

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What is an “array type database”? Is it anything like a “flat file database”?

One request that Sparkle finds a way to update a website without uploading all the images each time, this to save many hours uploading big files.

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We’ve been through this oh so many times. Sparkle only republishes images if the previous publish failed, or if you interrupted it. The other edge case we’ve seen is some FTP server which doesn’t return the full list of files on the server.

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Totally ecstatic to withdraw the request!!

I sent Duncan a logfile and he reported that the ftp server couldn’t handle the list of images, stopped at 8000, so Sparkle kept uploading the files the ftp server didn’t list.

This morning I was thinking WTF more than 8000 image files?? My project is big enough but not that big.

In the host control panel file manager I saw that many of the images dated from 2019, somehow a legacy of the process of rebuilding the project from Adobe Muse to Sparkle??

I deleted all the image files and a few other old files in the public html and published new from Sparkle. Then I republished and voila!!! Sparkle zipped through in a minute or so, not an image uploaded.

  • The ability to create angled shapes.
  • Design settings page to allow for an overall view of the chosen colours, chosen fonts, and components.
  • The Design Settings overlay page can also show the uploaded images and media files in the project.
  • Ability to create symbols from designed components… like a button which can be altered in the Design Settings overlay page and then change in one hit across all pages.
  • Share page to social media

I’d add one request - the ability to copy a pop up format. so the basic format could be used more than one time or could also be used on a subsequent page.

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It looks like it would be a great idea to independently colour the bullet points! :slight_smile: