No update offered

My Sparkle Pro subscription app doesn’t offer an update just states that my version - 3.1.7 is the latest version. I’m feeling left out of all the excitement!

Hey Roger, try closing Sparkle entirely and re-opening it… see it if helps!

Doing that every few minutes!

Have you tried downloading it directly from

Thanks Nathan, not sure how it works with the subscription model as going from trial to full app caused problems last time which I would rather not have at the moment.

Perhaps there is an issue which Duncan should be involved in?

It’s not yet available in the App Store … Guess we have to wait a day or so…

Hi Roger,

I had the same problem initially; but after renaming the prior version to Sparkleapp-v3.1.7 (just for assurances), I simply

  1. clicked “Download” on the Sparkle homepage,
  2. opened the downloaded file,
  3. moved it to the Application folder,
  4. opened it,
  5. then from menu navigated Sparkle>Your License>Continue with Sparkle
    Along the way v4 accepted my license famously.

Hope it goes well. Happy Sparkling :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Yes, thanks PPEmail.

Already carried out the process that you mentioned but backed everything up first and kept v3 as well - everything went as you said so just a case of getting used to it now!

Shame it didn’t behave as the instructions issued stated!

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Do you have the AppStore version? It appears Apple is dragging their feet…

I have the App Store version no update yet. when I use the method above it seems I need an activation code.

I see the update. Just went to the App Store and the button says “Update” instead of “Open.”
(In the USA.)

Thank you! Some neat things being discovered already.

(Unfortunately, the “What’s new in Version 4” moment was ruined/replaced by the “Upgrade” window. Would have preferred to read about the new features.)

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Bought the “Developer Tools” as a tip :money_mouth_face:! Thank you!

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