Page visitor counter

Can I add a visitor/hit counter to my web site?

If so how do you enter the HTML counter code?

Hi @adrianskehan, and welcome onboard! :slight_smile:

Yep, you sure can!
You have two options… The first is that you can place your Google Analytics ID code in the Setting panel under “Google Analytics”. This method will have your analytic code move across all your website pages.

The second way, I use StatCounter as a backup -, is you can place the given code into an Embed element which you can find under “More” at the top of your Sparkle UI. With this method you will also need to tick “Show on all pages” under “Arrange” in the right-hand panel to make sure the code is present on all your website pages.

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Thanks for that. It’s a little more complicated than I thought as I don’t wish to track anyone just count the hits.

@adrianskehan, If you want you can get StatCounter to go more down that track.

Do I understand this right that I need to buy developer tools from/for Sparkle if I want to embed the code for the counter?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @Svenrique!

Not really, Sparkle have the “Embbed Code” widget available. But if you wish to insert it in the header, you can do it manually after the publish or use another method for tracking (at least with Google Search Console, such as uploading the file they give you to your domain directoy).

@Svenrique, Welcome onboard and the answer is no.
You just drop an Embed onto your canvas and then within it use a style (<style>... </style>) tag your drop the generated code.

But it is something I would never do… It is very 1990s to have a visual counter on a website and is something you don’t see on the web anymore! :slight_smile:

Hey @primo and @FlaminFig. Thank you very much for your responses. As this menu is translated as “External Content” in German, I mistook it as a sort of a web-clip feature.
With your help I was able to embed the statcounter easily and it works like a charm. Though, I must admit, you’re right @FlaminFig : Having a counter visible seems a bit old school. Thankfully it is quite easy to make it invisible BUT… I do have a serious problem. As soon as the code is embeded, I can no longer navigate to my website. When you enter the adress, all the browsers show is a blank white page with the stat counter (If turned invisible the page’s just plain white).
Did I miss something?

Here’s the code - numbers edited :wink: Thank you two in advance!

OOO !-- Default Statcounter code for WRJDW


<a title="Web Analytics Made Easy -

StatCounter" href=“” target="_blank"><img

class=“statcounter” src=“”

alt=“Web Analytics Made Easy - StatCounter”>

<!-- End of Statcounter Code -- OOO

@Svenrique, You might have fixed it already by now, but just make sure you haven’t place it in between a <style></style> tag.

Also make sure you copy all the code StatCounter gives you into Sparkle, plus you don’t have to change anything that StatCounter gives you.