Photo Grid URL Linking

Hello Everyone!

I’m back to working on my little blog again and just now discovering the photo grid feature (yes, I’m a little late to the party).

I was thinking it would be a lovely way to display my Amazon affiliate books but is there a way to add a link to each photo? I can’t find anything.

Thank you in advance for any advice / assistance.

Kind regards from Singapore!

No, the images are not linkable @jazzbird at this stage.
I tried with a button overlay but this messes up the Lightbox effect - unless you don’t want to use it in your design.

A possible workaround and keeping everything in tact is by using a 1 row Image/Video Grid and then placing a linked Button below the image out side of the Image/Video Grid container.

Something like I have mocked up below…

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Oh thank you so much @FlaminFig. I think I’ll have to use your workaround for the time being then. I was hoping I was just missing something as one the Sparkle App site it says “They could even be taken to other website pages for a more detailed explanation about a particular aspect of the page offering.”

Perhaps @duncan can look into this for a future update? As it would be most useful to be able to link each image.

Thank you again Hendrick. You’re always so helpful!

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I know if you use Sparkle’s Image Gallery you can actively link your images to a destination URL.

You can also use the newish Layout Grid (instead of the Image/Video Grid). This way you can link your placed images to a destination URL which in your case would be Amazon Books…

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Oh I think the layout grid maybe the answer! Thank you @FlaminFig. I’ve just started reading comprehensive instructions by @francbrowne so will give it a whirl after lunch. Danke!

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I’ve been using the Layout Grid and it’s working out very nicely. Very happy!