placing a meta business chat/messenger on my website

I use Meta business to link Facebook and instagram contacts to my business. Meta business has a Chat plugin which I want to incorporate on my
Which setup method do I use Standard, Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, Manychat or Webflow?each one offers a different metadata to insert into my website page.
I then, can click publish in Meta B the messenger page and it should be downloaded and working at the bottom of my website.

Ive already put in a script for Google analytical in the script box on my site page but there’s no way I can download a new separate script from meta business in the same script box?

anyone with any ideas :slight_smile:


Hi @abdesigns,

not really sure what the difference is, can you provide a link to a facebook page showing what the different integration methods are? On a hunch I’d go with “standard”.

For Google Analytics, Sparkle has built-in support, you only need to enter the property ID in the Sparkle site settings.

What script box are you referring to? Sorry really unclear about what you are trying to do and what the different moving parts are.

PS I tried replying to your email about this, but my email bounced. Happy to continue via email if you prefer.