Privacy Banner keeps popping up with Blogger

Hi everyone,
I just included a blog made with Google Blogger using iframe in my page. All works very well except for the privacy banner. Every time I navigate within the blog, the banner pops up again. I found no way to stop that.

I have the privacy settings active on the page, with the standard banner from Sparkle. No problem here.
The banner which pops up on the blog site is a different one and sends to the Google privacy page.
In the settings of Blogger there is no mention of this banner.

Thank you for any hint.


Problem solved…
Just in case anyone has the same problem: It does not come from Sparkle. You need to deactivate the cookies notification in Blogger. To do that, you go to the html view of the template and add the following script at the bottom of the header section:
Make sure to have all the necessary informations about privacy on your webpage. I use the option provided by Sparkle.
Don’t hesitate to get back to me if my description here is to short.

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Hi Rainer, Is it possible to set up a “Blog Page” on a sparkle webpage for a third party (Using third party software) to manage on a daily bases? If so, what third party software would you recommend for the user? Is there an instruction sheet to set up the blog account?

Any information would be helpful.

LD Scarr

Hi LD,
I think what I did using Blogger from Google is exactly what you are asking for. But probably it depends what third party software you are using. “Blogger” is not exactly a third party software, as it is all browser based.
All I did was add a field with external content and put in there the link to the blog written in Blogger. For me it works fine. Blogger is fairly easy to use and it is free.
Strangely in my answer above the piece of script does not show anymore. So here it is, in case you need it:

Best of luck, Rainer

You need to highlight and “</>” the script for it to show.

Thank you for this hint.

  <script async='async' src=''/>
    <script type='text/javascript'>cookieChoices = {};</script>