Putting text on a photo in a gallery

What is the way to write a caption for each image in a gallery?
I used a text block on the image, wrote the caption in it but it doesn’t stay with the image.
When the next image is displayed the previous caption is still visible.
The same thing happens if I place the text box outside of the image just below it.

The gallery has a “label” checkbox for each slide.

The image label disappears when “zoom images in Lightbox” is selected. It would be great if there were a way to allow images to keep the title/caption and a text area to explain the photo (off to the side or below, just not on top of the images) and move through the zoomed lightbox images with the arrow keys.

I use this feature on my current site to explain design project images with a title and caption. I’d love to find a way to do this in Sparkle.

Thanks for the suggestion, and yes very aware of this. We just don’t want to make new features too canned. We’ll get to that eventually.

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