SEO - Search engine optimisation

Search engine optimisation, I bet all web designers and developers known a little if not all about it. It help ones site with better rankings and recognition. Although sparkle app does best doing this for designers, creating robot.txt and sitemap, most SEO experts will like to use google search console to mange sites. Is there a way you can offer a small tutorial on how to use google console to manage you sites designed with sparkle app, especially how the built in SEO tool in sparkle app works with crawlers. Thanks

I’m not really sure how the google console specifically can help with SEO. Meaning it helps with basic brokenness, but that’s generally taken care of by Sparkle.

In fact most automated tools to check SEO don’t really help too much with Sparkle (when you know to set image alt/descriptions, etc).

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The SEO Check should not examine or complain about pages that are excluded from the web search.

Mr. F.

Good suggestion. Wrong topic.