Setting up colors is tedious for me

I have to recreate a website from muse - anyway - I setup a textfield (Textfeld) and a button (Schaltflaeche). In normal state both a kind of yellow but in hover state or mouse effect (Maus-Effekt)
Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-25 um 14.30.09
Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-25 um 14.30.14
it should change the button only to pink but if I do so it changes both the textfield and the button and the colors are not saved anywhere. I met admit not to get it how to proceed

In the color tab there is main colors (Hauptfarben) and neutral (Neutral) and grid (Gitter).

What does one has to do to set it up as intended? Change color scheme before starting the design process?

Thanks in advance and Kindest Regards,

Colors in Sparkle are synchronized across elements that use them. This is pointed up in the documentation:

Color | Sparkle Documentation (english)
Farbe | Sparkle-Dokumentation (german)