Site Search result separators?

Does anyone know if individual results reported to the Site Search element can have a separator between them or someway to visually delineate the individual results?

For example, instead of:

Page extract

Page extract

Page extract

I want something like:

Page extract

Page extract

Page extract

That’s not currently possible but it’s a good suggestion, thanks.


I would like to bring this theme back to light.

I’m considering adding a search to my website, but the somewhat “spartan” results page and lack of design options (only text can be customized) keeps me from doing so.

And if you limit the results displayed to, say, 5 per page, shrink the box accordingly, the box has always the same size, no matter if there’s 1 or 5 results. So, the page selection buttons always stay in the same place. The position is not adjusted with the box. This should not be the case.

Comparing with the Blog Index page and its customization, the search results look a bit poor. There is a lot of room for improvement here.

Will there be an improvement coming?

Mr. F.

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One more question: why does the result page show the [>>] button when there is only 1 page with more than 1 result, but less than the maximum per page set?
If you click on it, you end up on a zero results page. Very confusing.

Mr. F.


Even if this topic is a bit older, it brought me back to make a suggestion for improvement:

Dynamic page length in search results

It should be clear what I mean. I have set, for example, that a maximum of 5 hits are displayed per results page. But the page is always 5 hits long, if I can say so.

The page length of the last page, even if it is page 1, should be adjusted so that there are no empty spaces. In the worst case there is only 1 hit and then there are 4 empty positions. That looks a bit unattractive and unprofessional.

Mr. F.

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