Sparkle Site - CMC Consulting & Mentoring, & RetireWell With A Plan

Refined, friendly, and professional was the theme for these sites highlighting the professional and caring approach taken in offering financial planning services, and retirement services - CMC Consulting & Mentoring & RetireWell With A Plan

Pages : 19
Devices : 960, 768, 320px
Extra Elements Used : Newsletter subscription form, Bespoke CSS

Our clients’s sites started with us assisting and creating their brands and brand-languages. Then we moved onto collaterals and the websites and had a really great inspiring time with it using a clutter free canvas and a number of unique elements to emotionally engage the ideal client.

As you can see it was a big project (2 websites) with a landing page allowing a user to choose financial planning services (CMC Consulting & Mentoring), or retirement services (RetireWell With A Plan). The sites were also presented seperate to allow for a better SEO outcome for each business.