Sparkle Site - Financial Streams [Take 2]

Modern, edgy, and playful was the theme for this site highlighting the unique approach taken, and presenting a friendly approach in engaging potential clients about money matters - Financial Streams

Pages : 15
Devices : 1200, 960 [will remove shortly], 768, 320px
Extra Elements Used : Bespoke CSS, Bespoke wide-box graphics, Manual blog

The site is a multi-page website for our financial & retirement advisor client here in Tasmania. The site now has been converted to a multi-page website from the 1 page landing page it started as.

This time around (by the client’s request) we have removed the hero video and replaced it with an image gallery slider of 5 images telling the visual story of the experience you’ll have with Financial Streams.

Just like to mention this created Sparkle website has been moved across to another design studio copying a fair bit of what I created from scratch. So as of around August 2021 this is now not a Sparkle website! :frowning:

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I liked yours better @FlaminFig (I remember it well). It had its own style and personality. The new site looks quite generic and not memorable at all.

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Hey thanks @jazzbird, appreciated! :slight_smile:

On a side note it isn’t easy creating something totally unique with a client that has seen time and time again the generic web coming at them day in and day out. Clients tend to forget that when they get me to copycat what they have seen on the web that they also become part of the generic unmemorable lot…

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