Sparkle Site - Financial Streams

Modern, edgy, and playful was the theme for this site highlighting the unique approach taken and presenting a friendly approach in engaging potential clients about money matters - Financial Streams

Pages : 5
Devices : 1200, 960, 768, 320px
Extra Elements Used : Bespoke CSS, bespoke wide-box graphics

The site is a 1 page website (more of a landing page) for our financial advisor client here in Tasmania. At this stage the 1 pager is an interim step to a more fuller built out website.

The video took a bit of working but in the end works really well across the breakpoints - although we might need to reconsider the mobile breakpoint.


Fantastic! Great layered landing page example. Very professional. Good work!

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@WebRoyal, Thank you, and very much appreciated! :slight_smile: