Sparkle website header

HI @duncan,
Thanks for you answer.
Here are some details:

  • If you go to my web site : — on the home page, you will see on Opera, Firefox, Chrome a horizontal menu on the top of the page “Accueil Com.Co-Creative Equipe Clients” and 2 flags
  • If you go on the same page with Safari, the flags are still visible. But the horizontal menu has disappeared.
  • And this is also true for all the other pages of the web site (french version). It is not true for the english version of the website because this is anothe Sparkle file which I didn’t update. The 2 websites are connected (using the flag icons) but they are independantly uploaded.

On sparkle, this is how looks my home page, when I select the Horizontal Menu.

Please tell me if you need more information. I will be glad to prodvide.
All the best,

Looks the same in Safari here… perhaps a caching issue?

I have just cleaned the caches and tested again. The problem is remaining…

@Antoine10b, I would make sure your main navigation is positioned “Front”.

I’ve got into your link and as I’m scrolling down your have elements going over the top of your navigation.

I experience the same … elements of the website cover up the navigation:

So I guess the navigation is not positioned “Front”.

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Thanks every one. I did some cleaning. It seems it’s back to OK now. Great!!!

I have a new question: how to fix a white large box at the top of the page. I can do it only with a normal box. As a result, when I scroll the colored large boxes are visible on the right and left. This is not very elegant…

Do you have any tips ?

@Antoine10b, If you click on your navigation box (white) and then go across to the right-hand panel and click the “Arrange” tab and then you’ll see in that panel “Full page width”. Tick that box and the white container will fill the canvas’s width.

It works!!!
Thanks a lot for your help :smiley:

Very nice website :ok_hand: