Touch bar removed?

Hi :wink:
Has the useful touch bar feature been removed in the latest update of “Sparkle 5” with the pro upgrade? I noticed that the touch bar display has disappeared. Thank you for your help.

Hi @Brucedee,

Yes unfortunately we had to remove touchbar support. It was falling behind in features, and it didn’t make sense to maintain, we couldn’t even test it well because none of our Macs have a touch bar. Sorry!

Hello @duncan,

Thank you for your response. I now understand better why support for the Touch Bar was removed in the latest update of Sparkle 5. It’s unfortunate for users who were accustomed to using this feature.

Is there any possibility of Touch Bar support being reintroduced in future updates, or has it been permanently discontinued? Thank you for your assistance.

Yeah it was a hard decision and I’m sorry about that. But it was becoming a source of crashes, and it was hard to add newer features in touchbar form. For it’s relatively niche use and hardware support, it was relatively complex for us to code, and it required custom-made graphics (i.e. designer time).

Unless Apple reintroduces touchbar Macs and there’s a renewed push and interest on their side, I’m afraid we won’t be reintroducing it.

Thank you for explaining the reasons behind the removal of Touch Bar support in Sparkle 5. I understand it was a difficult decision due to technical complexities and limited usage. It’s unlikely to be reintroduced unless Apple brings back Touch Bar Macs and there is renewed interest. Thanks for your help and clarification.