Upload to Netlify

What would be the workaround to export HTML/JS/CSS from Sparkle and uplaod them to Netlify? Or the only way is to manually deploy the exported files?

Hi @Emilly, Netlify’s main (only?) deployment is via git, Sparkle doesn’t support it so you would have to export the files to the folder where the git repository is and commit/push that.

Yes, that will work then.

One more thing, after I have exported and I add manually additional JS folder, will it stay there if I export again? Or will Sparkle overwrite all content in export folder so any additional content I have added manually will be removed?

If you export to the same location, Sparkle will add and remove files as needed, it will leave all others untouched, including the ones that weren’t originally exported by Sparkle.

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Hello. I just upgraded to the latest Sparkle version, and am also just subscribing to Netlify to host a static website. Has anything changed? Or… do I still need to “export the files to the folder where the git repository is and commit/push that”?. If so, I have never used git and will need to do some studying!!

Yes it’s the same, nothing changed.

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Got it all working! I had been using a website host (one with an alligator mascot!) and was paying $180/year. Netlify is free for a non-commercial static site. There are plenty of youtube videos on using it, including how to drag & drop your website files (HTML/JS/CSS exported from Sparkle) to either GitHub or directly to Netlify. Last week I didn’t even know what a repository was and now I own one!