My upload when i publish says its 100% complete but it actually isn’t - anyone got this issue, its been on this for 20 minutes and if I run live preview the files are all there but online they are not.
The 100% shown on the screenshot only refers to the upload of your video file “,” and not to the entire site. As long as the pink progress bar is not completely filled, it means that all of the site’s files haven’t been transferred yet. This is why the site may not be displaying correctly online.
Video files can indeed be very large, which can significantly increase the upload time. However, it is unusual for the upload to stay at 100% for such a long time. Have you optimized your video to reduce its size?
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Agree with @Allan, but I will just add…
Sparkle overall sits at 100% for a little while indicating it is done but not done at the same time. I’m thinking what it does post Publish is clean up how it interacted with the server, but I could be wrong?
Hey Flamin
Sparkle first uploads the files to a temporary folder on the server, and once all the files have been uploaded, it moves them to their final location. Is that what you’re referring to?
This helps prevent errors in case the publication is canceled or issues with displaying the site for visitors browsing at the same time. However, the files are only being moved, and that shouldn’t take 20 minutes. I doubt that this is the issue…
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Yes that is what I’m referring too.
For me this can take a while at times as the Sparkle project file is Publish(ed) with a lot of images. So yes I agree it can be the case with hefty video files as well. But where Sparkle stops uploading (which is usually a little more than half the upload bar) to when it says complete (with the Sparkle slider) there is a non-active period which comes across as “apprehensive” because it isn’t indicating anything is happening through that time.
But anyways I digress…
Moving files within the same server is usually quick, but I’ve never had to publish a very large website, so it’s possible I’m underestimating that time, haha. It can also depend on the hosting provider and the server’s performance…
In any case, after checking, it looks like the site and videos are online. I think the issue wasn’t really a problem and has been resolved
Like @allan says, the percentage there is referring to the individual file, Sparkle adds it when the file is over a megabyte in size, so generally only large images and large assets like a video. There is no numeric indicator of the overall transfer, so the pink progress bar is the indication that the transfer is about 20% through.
The indicator for that file being stuck at 100% ca be due to a couple different things:
- one possibility is the system networking subsystem is not being truthful about the actual transfer progress, it’s lying to Sparkle, Sparkle is none the wiser, and so it’s showing a percentage that isn’t accurate
- another possibility is if the file is the very last file being uploaded, the upload of that file has in fact completed, but there’s a subsequent phase of publishing that Sparkle doesn’t show any status for, what comes to mind is a cleanup phase that is generally so quick it’s not noticeable but sometimes it takes a longer time, so in that case the last uploaded file status is shown and then it appears to just hang there; this is generally a one time operation, so it shouldn’t happen on every publish
For the first case there is unfortunately nothing that we can do about it. For the second case we can improve it to at least say something like “Cleanup in progress”. Either way you should have patience and let it complete.
Get this to reduce the size of video:
It’s free! Drag and drop easy.
A must have in your toolbox!
Another thought: post your video on Vimeo. Use their bandwidth, not your own!
Vimeo has options to end with black, unlike YouTube, which will segue to the next video of cats playing the piano