Vimeo Embbeding Bug

Good morning.

I’m using sparkle for quite a while now and I’m mostly happy.
Yesterday I’ve found two strange bugs, concerning the vimeo integration.

I’ve embedded all of my videos with still and embbed. After I changed the thumbnail in vimeo for one video, deactivated and reactivated it on sparke and re published the site, all of my thubmnails on this site have been mixed up.

I decided to go for direct embbed and everything worked fine. Except for mobile where nothing was shown.

I switched back to still and embbed and deactivated the action button and everything worked fine, so I guess it is kind of cash problem in sparkle? I deleted the cache in settings but with no effect.

I hope you can fix this soon, I direct embbed would be great but it should work on mobile too.


Hi @mattukat2go, there appears to be a bug with the placeholder image, but I’m not aware of any vimeo integration issue. Would you please email us the project at (perhaps using and we’ll take a look.

I’m also having a problem with the thumbnail images for videos that are hosted on Vimeo. I’m using the Still + Embed in Lightbox option and everything looks great in Sparkle and in the preview, but when I publish, the thumbnail shown is from a different video on the page. When clicked on, the ‘correct’ video does play.

I’ve been adding videos to my site for several months in the same way and I never had this problem until I updated it yesterday.

Let me know if I can provide any more information that would be helpful.


Try clearing sparkle’s publishing cache, in the preferences.

Thanks for your quick response Duncan! I removed the publishing cache in Sparkle and republished the site. I also deleted the cache and cookies in the browser, but I’m still having the same issue.

Ok please send the project file, we’ll take a look. to

It’s on the way. Thanks again!

For everybody else following this, the problem turned out to be Cloudflare, configured on the domain, stuck with some cached files on their network.