Way to set minimum font sizes for device layouts?

Hi Duncan,

Is there a way to set a minimum font size for paragraph text and h tagged text for device layouts before you add new layouts to your initial 960 width device layout? Sure would make resizing text easier when you go from 960px device layout to 320px layout for example.

Anyway, just asking to see if it’s possible to do now. If not please consider it as a feature request for your consideration.


If there was a way to set a different font size, it would mean the layout wouldn’t be a plain scaled down version. If the layout wasn’t a plain scaled down version, that would mean Sparkle would have to figure out the relationship between the different elements, in order to keep related things close together.

So in essence the 320px scaled down text is that small because it’s scaled down so it all fits.

We will figure out something to make this less painful.

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Thanks for replying and the explanation Duncan. Understand the reasoning behind it all much better now. Thought I would ask primarily to see if there was some type of hidden preferences in Sparkle that might control this that could be adjusted somehow. Not a problem to work around as is.
