Websites Not optimizing on mobile devices

Hi Folks, My 1st post here. I cannot figure out the reason my websites are not optimizing on mobile devices. I have checked my settings on the website. Please offer suggestions.

I’m holding on launching them until I get this figured out.

Thank you, Mary

Hi @Vibrant1, welcome onboard! :slight_smile:

The most obvious question I’ve got to ask is how many devices have your created? I see you have created for the desktop (960 device or 1200 device)…

Thanks for your help, I’m a newcomer to Sparkle. My understanding was that I create one, desktop, then select the option to optimize for mobile devices. See attached.

Ah @Vibrant1, that is the issue…
You also need to manually work with the 320 device because you’ll need to adjust the layout for mobile, including the image sizes and especially the text size.

This will solve your issue…

@Vibrant1 Mary. Nice site, looks great on landscape tablet. Greenskin is correct. You need the 320 device.