Wider option for website importing

Hi, I’m new to Sparkle and succeeded in building and uploading a website in a single day. I was thrilled to discover that you can import one of your existing sites, ready to tweak in Sparkle before re-publishing it.

However, since all my websites have previously been designed with a width of 1600 or 1920 pixels, the results are scrambled, to say the least.

Could I suggest that an option be added to the Preferences to default to “wide desktop PC”, and also that the width of the original website should dictate how it is imported?

Hi @Paddy, thanks for the feedback. Sparkle does not currently support layout sizes wider than 1200 pixels, but in import specifically doesn’t go wider than 960 as you have discovered.

While we are working on an improved layout system, import remains a bit of a stop gap solution. It is, as it is currently, a significant engineering challenge. Making it import a responsive layout is unlikely to happen, even in the long term.