Are there any recent featured sites?

I just watched a tutorual about Sparkle on Screencastsonline - and before is I get too involved I would like to see some sites - maybe featured sites - ? Are there any?

Hey @stickershock welcome onboard! :slight_smile:

There are stacks of sites made by Sparkle referenced here in this Sparkle Forum. A few I can point out for myself are…

Also search the post “Mention your Sparkle website”.
Also within Sparkle before you start a project you have accessed to pre-made templates to start you off, or you can ask AI to construct you a website based on the information you give it.

I’m sure others will chime in to give you further examples…

Hello David,
I have recently built a couple of sites that show what Sparkle can do if you are interested in having a look. Sparkle is a brilliant piece of software and it allows u to design website with almost the fluidity of design software like affinity designer.
The sites are and

Best of luck

Some here that we designed:

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Wow, I wish I had the skills to build websites HALF as good as these, well done.

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These are excellent too - I’ll need to get into nightshift mode and start learning how to do this.

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