Artists website with "fake" image-gallery

hi guys, I am back with a new sparkle-made website
Atelier Lory - Visual Arts Santo Domingo

I was asked to show the works of an artist
together with the written description of the work besides
in a way the user can go back and forth with arrows and exit…
… like LIGHTBOX but with image + text

I did this with POP-UP windows in a sequence.

hope, you enjoy



Another thinking outside of the box website achievement… Really well done @arteventura ! :slight_smile: :clap:

Yes the Sparkle Popup has myriad of possibilities and you have cleverly showed it here!
I have a little bit feedback but I will message that to you, but the biggie is your Popups description and navigation nearly disappears on the ultra wide desktop screen.

But other then that I Love It :slight_smile:

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Hello Manuel,
A real artist made a website for an artist. Amazing what you did. Very, very nice, I always remember earlier websites you showed us. Inspiring, thanks for showing!

Thank you Ben, you are welcome!

Interesting thanks for this. I’m also an artist and wished I had a way of putting text into the Lightbox feature. I’ll have to investigate pop-ups!