BLOG; Tab in Menu just shows another tab to go to index

Hi all,
I just started a Sparkle site, and tried to add a menu. But in the menu the blog section (‘Verhaaltjes’) just has another tab to go to the index of the blog (‘BLOG’).
I want my users to click on the tab (verhaaltjes) and immediately go to the index page of the blog of the site.
It’s not a fancy blog, just some story’s will be there, no sub categories. For now, just some ‘Lorum ipsum’ story’s.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Nathalie, welcome.

I assume you have built that navigation structure as a menu?

The menu is a bit complex to set up when the default isn’t doing what you need, the main concepts are outlined in the menu documentation, but here’s what I would do.

Without details about the exact setup, I made some assumptions, this is how I would achieve what you need:

CleanShot 2023-01-11 at 10.17.14

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Thanks for the quick response ! Sometimes it’s so easy, I just was thinking to difficult :blush:!
It did the trick!