Contact form issues


I’m struggling to get the contact form to work on my site. I’ve tried configuring it with and without SMTP server details, and with different SMTP servers.

The Thank you page displays (as a PHP) but the email never sends (or reaches any junk mail box). PHP is enabled for my site.

The test sample is live on

Any help would be appreciated.

Just to ask… have you got the “form elements” linked to the send button?

Yes…Boxes all checked to link them.

(PS I’m with 123reg hosting via cPanel)

Have you tried the mail-tester check?

  • go to
  • get an email address
  • set that email address in your “recipient” field
  • publish your site again
  • send a test contact form
  • go back to the page and view the results (and share the link)

The test account never receives…
Does that mean a server issue? Any suggestions for the approach if so?

Does 123reg have specific rules for outgoing email?

The mail-tester test is most likely only going to work with “email via server”, not with a custom SMTP server (which would likely block an email it’s not the recipient of), did you test it like this?

Tested both ways…no receipt.

I’ve raised it with 123reg. Any other suggestions to try?

Appreciate the help!

I have the same issue. Did you ever find a solution?

I didn’t…

How similar is your issue?
Are you on 123reg servers?

Did you try these settings on cPanel?

I find 123reg increasingly complicated to navigate and use and am very glad Sparkle makes everything otherwise very easy to manage!

I am having the same problem, and did all the same tests/configurations. I have a different web host and they have kindly been trying to figure it out also.

I read in the docs that we should make sure the Thank you page is set to PHP. I’m not sure I understand, but it the page filename auto added.php after the name. Maybe the docs are old and Sparkle updated to auto do it.

Has the OP found a solution?

Did you this step by step?