Dancing Sparkle

Yeah, it does cover all my questions @FlaminFig. I am starting to calm down and will choose an alternative font for Gill Sans and one for Avenir next.

Too bad, I really like them both.

Thank you so much!

@FlaminFig and @Steffi, I followed your advice and changed the font to a web font (Fira Sans). Now everything should be fine.

Please let me know if you find anything worth correcting or improving!

Thanks again!


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Hi Thomas.

When you use (Google) web fonts, you must update your privacy policy (Datenschutz).
A visitor must actively agree to Google Fonts being loaded.

Addendum: I just learned that sparkle does not use dynamic Google fonts. So i think you’re good.

Mr. F.

@Mr_Fozzie, gee, I guess I did everything right without even knowing about this obligation. Though I remembered Duncan writing about the Google fonts being somehow implemented in Sparkle.

Thanks anyway!


Yes that’s correct @ThomasC…
Using Google Fonts, aka Web Fonts in Sparkle has Sparkle talking to Google. When you select the font from Google (and it isn’t onboard yet) Sparkle sort of downloads the font package.

When you Publish, the Google Fonts font file(s) is uploaded with your website on your hosting server of choice. So when a User opens your web page with that particular Google Font it doesn’t link back to Google Fonts website like it use to, but it uses the font file that you have uploaded to your hosting server.

So you don’t need a privacy policy in place for your web fonts because no third-party is involved at the time of the web page loading. So @Mr_Fozzie addendum is correct.

I see, @FlaminFig. That’s what I remembered from what I read after realising the difference between system and web/Google fonts.

Is it possible to import a system font like Avenir Next into Sparkle (I know it is already there) as a web font. I am somehow trying to avoid replacing this beautiful font (works great in Latin and in Greek) on our main website https://www.cretagora.com.

Have a great week!


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@ThomasC, The font Avenir Next is licensed and not free unless you use it for personal use. So if you’d like to use that font as a Web Font you’ll need to purchase it and import it into Sparkle’s Custom Web Fonts section.

Alternatively you could go on a “similar font hunt” and see what comes close - Avenir - The 5 Best Free Alternatives & Similar Fonts in 2021

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@greenskin, So it is possible by buying and then importing it. OK, one to think about.

Yes, I already did that hunt. The font we will choose needs to be great also in Greek, that’s where most fonts disqualify. None of the recommended fonts do that. In terms of this requirement as well as readability and clarity (and my own taste of course), the leaders so far are: Open Sans, Ubuntu and Fira Sans.

Very nice and airy. represents the topic well.
on my iphone 11 the website looks like the desktop version: very small text and some columns next to each other that I‘d place vertically beneath eachother.

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@abra100pro, thank you Alex for your kind words.

I have to tell you though that I had to take the website gaiahealingdance.com offline. So what you were looking at is our other (and now only) website https://www.cretagora.com to which I redirected the gaiahealingdance site. Cretagora indeed has not yet been designed responsively. So yes, it still needs improvement in that sector. A lot actually.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!
