Drop Down Menus - how to lock in Front on all pages

When there’s a drop down menu, you want it to always be arranged “front”, on top of all content below, and never hidden by that content.
So my question arises: Is there a feature I’m missing to be sure the drop down stays on top of all content in all pages of the site… preferably by default or with a check box?
If not, could we have such an option in the next release?

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Just go to the layers panel (tab next to pages panel tab) and drag the layer or group you want to the top.

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Thanks…but what I’m saying is that by default, all drop downs should be on top of all other content, without the user needing to do anything. Nobody wants them hidden by a photo or anything.

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For me, it’s far better to have flexibility and autonomy to choose. It’s all about being neat and ordered in the way you build.

You are right, of course, for 99% of the time that’s exactly what you want, but what if there were an instance where you really did want to scroll the menu behind something and couldn’t. You wanted a pop up image to appear over the top of everything and couldn’t achieve it because the software didn’t allow it, that would be far more frustrating.