Email form not working on my hostserver

The Email ‍Form ‍via ‍Server ‍option does not work on my hostserver. My host uses the ‘mail-a-form’ option, where the page starts with <FORM METHOD=“post ACTION=”/cgi-bin/mail-a-form". This option worked on my old website, but leaves no room for the beautiful layout options of Sparkle.
How can I receive mail input from a visitor, with the input options she/he has used on my page?

greetings, Geert

You can use the “Advanced form submission” option of the button, and set the URL to /cgi-bin/mail-a-form:


In this day and age it should be possible to have an outgoing mail server of some sort, maybe they have it and you just need to ask.

I just did something similar. I made it work by modifying the perl script.

The limitation is that pre-filled values from sparkle cannot contain an @ symbol. The solution is to use a different key, then look for that key in the script, and if found, insert your valid values, ie:

I am using:

FormMail Version 1.92

Copyright 1995-2002 Matt Wright mattw at

Created 06/09/95 Last Modified 04/21/02

Matt’s Script Archive, Inc.:

take line:
%Config = (‘recipient’,’’, ‘subject’,’’,

replace it with:
%Config = (‘mysite’,’’, # due to sparkleapp bug
‘recipient’,’’, ‘subject’,’’,


# The next six lines remove any extra spaces or new lines from the       #


if ($Config{'mysite'} eq 'mysite'){
	$Config{'email'} = '';
	$Config{'recipient'} = '';
# The next six lines remove any extra spaces or new lines from the       #

then make a text field, and change it from text to mysite, value, mysite.
