Feature Request: Add new wider device width please

Hi Duncan,

If possible it would be very helpful if you would consider adding in a 1600px device option which would allow page content to display better on 1920px width screens, so that not so much white space would display to the left and right of the page content. Thanks.



Hey Charlie, I realize it is a bit painful to have to deal with the device limitations, but at this point adding more devices will simply translate to more work. We would like to avoid that, as we come up with better solutions to that.

What’s the use case for 1920px layouts though? And which website (excluding custom million dollar CMSs) use different layouts for page width beyond 1200 pixels wide?

I was thinking more like upping the 1200 to1400 which on the whole would cover the larger screens? I agree we don’t want to be adding and adding breakpoints because it means much more work. In the end we can’t go too wide because I have seen big screen websites (fluid responsive) just stretching everything across the screen to fill things up and it looking like a real mess especially for reading because us humans don’t like reading text stretched across these lager screens - it becomes tiring as we loose our place!

Of late I have just been working with the 1200, 768, and 320px which covers the majority of screens. I use to work the 480 but I only see that firing off in landscape and not for the larger portrait screens and I don’t (only my viewpoint) see many users using mobile landscape unless they are viewing a video. So if anything I’m thinking looking more at the mobile screen spectrum breakpoints could better help?..

Hey Duncan,

I suggested this as an option for those Sparkle users wanting to work with a wider page width. It would not be required to use if a user did not want to use it on their Sparkle site.

Since most desktops, laptops, and a lot of tablets and such are set to 1920x1080 now (or even wider on desktops), it would seem to make sense for Sparkle to allow for a wider device width as an option while keeping the existing device option widths. So if a Sparkle user building a site only wanted to use 1600, 960, and 320 device widths on their sites they could as an example.

Most of the sites I work on for businesses are responsive with max page widths set between 1600 and 1920 now, thus the reason for the suggestion to better fit/display content on higher resolution screen settings.

Anyway it was just a feature suggestion to offer for your consideration.



Would it be possible for the five device widths (breakpoints) to be customizable?

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