Hiding a page in version 5

I’m brand new here…a former Adobe Muse user trying to find an easy way to continue to make sites. I came across Sparkle last night and am beyond thrilled!
Have already imported one of my sites…BUT…can not figure out a way to hide a page from a site, so I can work on it and then publish?The other pages have been published and look fabulous but this page in question really needs to be updated. I’ve read about this mysterious feature called Auto Add…but can not for the life of me locate it anywhere!!!

Since the death of Muse I am now importing all my sites into Sparkle and updating, rearranging the furniture etc …there are virtually no tutorials for version 5 that I can find and everything I ggole or ask pertains to very OLD versions of Sparkle.

Any help would be swell.

Welcome onboard @Girlwerks :slight_smile:

Yes you can hide a page from uploading to your hosting server by going to the right hand panel under Page and tick “Exclude From Publishing”. But seeing you have the page already on the server you would need to set this setting and then re Publish and the page on your sever will be removed.


OMG! I tried this several times and it never worked…but just tried it again and Violà!

Thank you… Also I removed the mailing list all together …deleted the page and the menu…but it still appears…hmmm

and while I’m at it…is there a way to make the footer date, when changed , appear on all pages without having to replace it on each page???

Hello Girlwerks,

have a look on here: https://sparkleapp.com/docs/smart-fields.html

Smart field types


This Smart Field shows the current date/time, in one of several date and time formats. If the “Continuous” option is selected, the date and time is updated on the page as time changes.



Zounds! I knew it had to be somewhere…THANK YOU!!!

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Always happy to help when i can :slight_smile:

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Yes. Just place on the one page and click on it and then got to your right hand panel / Arrange / Show On All Pages. Once you have done that the the time-stamp (footer date) will appear on on pages in the exact location. Whenever you move or edit the time-stamp will will also do that on all the other pages.