How can we create the same gallery on our site that we created with Adobe Muse? I leave the link

How can we create the same gallery on our site that we created with Adobe Muse? I leave the link

Hi @QuantoSystem and welcome onboard! :slight_smile:

The straightforward way would be to use a Sparkle Image Gallery stretched across the web page. The graphics you drop in would need to be all 7 images in how you have it arranged in your screenshot. If you go this way then on mobile you would introduce a new Image Gallery and hide it on desktop. Then on mobile you would present the images in a stacked format.

The second way would be to use Sparkle Popups (Normal or Fixed). In this scenario you would have more control over the Popup on mobile.

The third way would be to rethink the images layout working within Sparkle’s parameters.
Happy Sparkle(ing)! :slight_smile:

The Gallery option mentioned by @FlaminFig would be set up as illustrated below.

lütfen sitedeki linke tıklayıp galeriye girin ve galeriyi inceleyin. her görsel üzerine tıklayınca galeri tıklanan görseli açıyor.

You can do that with Popups…