Image Gallery & Image/Video Grid enhancements

I am putting together a website for a group of artists. The Image Gallery and Image/Video Grid both have potential but without associated labels they are pretty unhelpful. Both should have an option of automatically displaying EXIF, filename or description data. I’m aware of smart fields but these are not associated with an image in the grid other than by position. Change an image’s position and you have to manually move the smart field. A physical art gallery would typically have a label containing the artist name, title of the work and materials used. It would be great if Sparkle supported this automatically.


Hi @paulc, agreed that’s an improvement we need to make on the grid. The image gallery does have labels associated with each image though.


Yes, I am looking forward to the grid labels as well.

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Well it is possible to add your own label within the image/video grid (adding a text box), it will work fine. It’s just not controlled by a checkbox like in the regular gallery.