Image gallery - show label for multiple images problem

Silly problem and time waster - but having dumped 50 to 100 prepared images into an image gallery I had to go to each image individually to turn on the ‘Show Label’ attribute for a selected image!

A simple check box to apply to all images would have been nice or perhaps there is another way to accomplish the same thing?

Just a thought!

Roger B

Hi Roger.

In fact, there is a way to do that.
Did you notice the three dots to the right of “Show label”?
That opens a popup with multiple options to apply to all images.
Check it out.

Mr. F.

Thanks for the suggestion Mr F but unfortunately it only applies the attributes shown in the window to all images and not the ‘Show Label’ check box attribute - hence suggesting it as a possible update feature!

Roger B

Hi Roger.

Try this:

Start with image #1, mark “show label”. Then hit the three dots.

Mr. F.

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Mr. F, you are the man!!!

It did exactly what I wanted and will really help in setting up future large galleries! I now have it all working behind a password protected login - yay!

It was the only attribute I hadn’t set because I didn’t understand it’s use, perhaps Duncan can help on some of the settings as there is no entry for this in the help screens that I could find!

Roger B